“5 Dog-Related Subreddits That Are As Special As Our Beloved Canine Companions” | Listicle Post

5 Dog-Related Subreddits That Are As Special As Our Beloved Canine Companions

We know that Reddit has a huge community of animal lovers, especially dog lovers. I mean, who could blame them? Dogs are adogable.

Okay, terrible puns aside, here are five subreddits that even seasoned dog-lovers may not know exist.


1. r/PetTheDamnDog

Tried to play hard to get, not her strong suit. from r/PetTheDamnDog

Look at those puppy eyes! How could you not reach out and pet the poor thing?!

This is a collection of all those times you want to scream at the camera-person for not giving their dog all the love.

“Subreddit for those times where the dog is ignored. Just pet them already”

96.7k Subscribers at time of writing.


2. r/HoldMyKibble

HMK While I do some training! from r/HoldMyKibble

Oooh! Training! Me too, me too! Aren’t I real good at this?

If dogs said “hold my beer,” this would be it.

“‘Ruff ruff. Barooo ruff!’ Translation: ‘Hey human, hold my kibble. Check this out’ the classic words that end in either awesomeness or failure.”

68.5k Subscribers at time of writing.


3. r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog

I think, therefore I am from r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog

I mean, no explanation needed.

Okay, fantastic The Thinker impression aside, what is wrong with your dog?

516k Subscribers at time of writing.


4. r/barkour

Barkour French Pug from r/barkour

Stuffed Patrick didn't see that one coming.

I was worried the fella would hit his face! Clearly a well-calculated jump by the Parkour Pug.

“Dogs doing parkour.”

154k Subscribers at time of writing.


5. r/woof_irl

woof irl from r/woof_irl

"The Six Stages Of Consuming A Lemon" -- Illustrated by The Dog.

We all know how that feels.

“for the puppy in u. | a subreddit for posting pictures of dogs that people can look at and go ‘oh same, dog, same.’”

353k Subscribers at the time of writing.

  • Project Listicle-style piece focusing on five unique subreddits for dog lovers.
  • Purpose Create an SEO list article in the style of popular websites like Buzzfeed and Refinery29.